Ski Resort Koralpe in the Lavanttal: Position on map

Webcam Wolfsberg in Lavanttal, Carinthia (Austria), 465 m

Located at church Markuskirche, the webcam provides the view towards town Wolfsberg in Carinthia, Austria. One can spot the old town and the castle Wolfsberg.
Elevation:  465 m

Today's webcam images (Local Time: 08:33)

Archived image Webcam Wolfsberg in Lavanttal, Carinthia (Austria) 00:00 00:00
Archived image Webcam Wolfsberg in Lavanttal, Carinthia (Austria) 02:00 02:00
Archived image Webcam Wolfsberg in Lavanttal, Carinthia (Austria) 04:00 04:00
Archived image Webcam Wolfsberg in Lavanttal, Carinthia (Austria) 06:00 06:00