Ski Resort Prüm Wolfsschlucht in the Eifel: Position on map

Webcam Prüm, Eifel, 438 m

The webcam shows the Hahnplatz square in Prüm. The emblem of the city, the Sankt Salvador basilica, is known for its baroque high altar and its organ recitals.
Elevation:  438 m

Today's webcam images (Local Time: 11:04)

Archived image Webcam Prüm, Eifel 23:00 23:00
Archived image Webcam Prüm, Eifel 01:00 01:00
Archived image Webcam Prüm, Eifel 03:00 03:00
Archived image Webcam Prüm, Eifel 05:00 05:00
Archived image Webcam Prüm, Eifel 06:00 06:00
Archived image Webcam Prüm, Eifel 07:00 07:00
Archived image Webcam Prüm, Eifel 09:00 09:00