Cross-Country Skiing Area Region Seefeld in the Region Seefeld: Position on map

Rates Cross-Country Skiing Region Seefeld

Day tickets

Day tickets
Adult Senior Teenager** Child***
Day ticket
from 16 years old
until 15 years old

Notes & discounts

  • Day tickets apply to guests without guest card.
  • Offer for guests with guest card staying in the region: €5 per day, €15 for 3 days or more (as long as guest card is valid).
  • Day ticket includes night trails as well as regional busses between the cross-country towns.
  • Season tickets apply to pre-sales. After the 30 December, tickets cost €150.
  • Park coins (€1,- per piece) available for discount parking of at least 4 hours.
Group discount
Discount for handicapped persons
Parking fee

