Cross-Country Skiing Area Praz de Lys Sommand High Savoy: Position on map

Cross-Country Skiing Praz de Lys Sommand

Trail Map Praz de Lys Sommand

The Cross-Country Area

The Praz de Lys - Sommand cross-country skiing area is one of the largest in the French Alps. A total of 60 kilometres of trails are prepared for skating and the classic technique. Both beginners and professionals get their money's worth on the wide network of trails. Some of the trails offer a panoramic view of the surrounding mountain peaks such as "Les Dents Blanches", "Le Môle" or "Pointe de Rovagne". In good weather conditions, even Mont Blanc can be admired.

In addition, there is a floodlit trail for all night skiers. There is also a cross-country ski rental service on site. If you want to try something new, you can even book a biathlon course in Praz de Lys - Sommand!

Interesting facts

  • Offering 60 km cross-country trails, Praz de Lys Sommand is among the 10 largest Cross-Country Skiing Areas in France.
  • The cross-Country skiing area takes you to an elevation of 1,553 m.
  • Snow coverage is usually best during March, offering an average snow depth of 160 cm at summit elevation and 99 cm at the base.


Le ski nordique et activités nordiques en Haute-Savoie


Bureau du Praz de Lys
Immeuble le Florian
Phone+33 (0)4 50 34 25 05


Rate the Cross-Country Skiing Area

Weather (1,456 m)


Elevation1,553 m - 1,553 m
Skating 60 km
Classic 60 km
Lighted trails N/A