- With a season or multi-day ticket for the Bivio sports facilities or the Engadin St. Moritz ski area, you receive a 50% discount on the day ticket in Engadin St. Moritz or on the normal daily rate in Bivio.
- With a season or multi-day ticket for the Bivio sports facilities or the listed ski areas, you benefit from a 50% discount on the daily rate in the following ski areas:
- Avers, Bergün, Chur-Dreibündenstein, Feldis, Fideriser Heuberge, Grüsch-Danusa, Hochwang-St. Peter, Obermutten, Pradaschier-Churwalden, San Bernardino, Sarn-Heinzenberg, Savognin, Thusis-Tschappina, Tschiertschen.
- Use of the Wonder Carpet is free of charge