Ski Resort Sunshine Village in the Canadian Rockies: Position on map

Sunshine Village Trail Map

Open Trails

GE Eagle Creek
GE. Afterburner
GE. Cayuse Creek
GE. Chicken
GE. Cleavage
GE. Eagle
GE. Fall Line
GE. Freefall
GE. Gladerunner
GE. Goatchicken Glade
GE. Goatsucker Glade
GE. Hell's Kitchen
GE. Raptor
GE. Rolling Thunder
GE. Sasquatch
GE. Scapegoat
GE. Sergie's Shortcut
GE. Sky Dive
GE. Sunshine Coast
GE. Super Model
GE. The Big Woody
GE. Wildfire
JW. Banff Ave. (Upper)
JW. Bluebell
JW. Christmas Tree
JW. Cottontail
JW. Fireweed
JW. Forget-Me-Not
JW. Goat Chicken Gully
JW. Jackrabbit
JW. Juniper
JW. Kid's Play
JW. Larch Glade
JW. Miss Gratz
JW. Powerline
JW. Rollercoaster
JW. Short and Sweet
JW. Trapper's Trail
JW. Wolverine
JW. Wolverine Liftline
SB. Boutry's Bowl
SB. Rock Isle Road
SB. Snowsnake
SB. Strawberry Face
SB. Strawberry Surprise
SB. The Dell Valley
SO. B-Line
SO. Banff Ave. (Ski Out)
SO. Lower Canyon Trail
SO. Middle Canyon
SS. Ewe First
SS. Farside
SS. Goat's Head Soup
SS. Mother-In-Law
SS. Renegade
SS. Stampede
SS. Think Again
SS. Wildside
St. Big Bunkers
St. Borderline
St. Bunkers
St. Creek Run
St. Dirty Little Corner
ST. Donkey's Tail
St. Garbage Chutes
St. Headwall
St. Jerry's Run
St. Laryx
St. Little Bunkers
St. Prune Pickers Pass
St. Showboat
St. Sidewall
St. Standish
St. Standish Face
St. Virgins
TP. Barners
TP. Bushwhackers
TP. Horto's Revenge
TP. Packer's Trail
TP. Pilgrim's Trail
TP. Rock Ledges
TP. Schoolmarm
TP. Teepee Main Chutes
TP. Teepee Town Liftline
TP. The Shoulder
UM. Angel Flight
UM. Angel Gully
UM. Assiniboine Trail
UM. Big Angel
UM. Boundary Bowl
UM. Bronze Ecstasy
UM. Bye Bye Bowl
UM. Cherub
UM. Gold Ecstasy
UM. Green Run
UM. Grizzly
UM. Highway One
UM. Little Angel
UM. North Divide
UM. North Pocket
UM. OS Pitch
UM. Piste Noir
UM. Red 90
UM. Silver Ecstasy
UM. Slush Cup
UM. South 205
UM. South Divide
UM. South Pocket
UM. Springhill
UM. Viking Ridge
UM. World Cup Downhill
UM. Yellowhead
UM. Yellowhead North
Wa. Birdcage
Wa. Corral Cut Off
Wa. Meadow Park
Wa. Old T-Bar
Wa. Paris Basin
Wa. Paris Two
Wa. Shaken Not Stirred
Wa. Star Trek
Wa. The Waterfall
Wa. Tilton Trail
Wa. Tincan Alley
Wa. Tincan Trees
Wa. Wawa Bowl
Delirium Dive
GE. Eagle Glades
JW. Tower 30
JW. Upper Canyon
GE. Old Chute
SS. Saddledome

Open Lifts

Angel Express
Goat's Eye Express Quad
Great Divide Express Quad
Jack Rabbit Quad Chair
Magic Carpet 2
Mitey Mite
Mount Standish Express
Strawberry High Speed Quad
Teepee Town LX
Wawa Quad Chair
Wolverine Express Quad


Total 12

Skiable Terrain

1,358 ha
Green Circle
Blue Squared
Black Diamond
Double Diamond
Overall Slope Area 1,358 ha
Number of Slopes 138