
Argentina Ski Resort Weather Forecasts

500 m: up to 23 °C
1,000 m: up to 20 °C
In the north, the day will be partly cloudy with sunny intervals. Mostly cloudy skies in the midday will give way to determined sunshine in the evening. In the south, the forenoon is mostly cloudy, refreshed with some occasional rain in the midday. Scattered showers are expected to give way to some clouds in the evening. In the east, mostly cloudy skies in the morning will give way to determined sunshine in the noon. A mix of sun and cloud is in store in the forenoon for today. Today is a perfect day in the west to enjoy some sweet sunshine with a high near 21 °C. There is a gentle wind coming from the north.
19 °C
17 °C
16 °C
16 °C