Webcam Sebnitz: Platter Lift Elbe Sandstone Mountains: Position on map

Webcam Sebnitz: Platter Lift, 416 m

Webcam shows the platter lift of the Ski Resort Sebnitz at Buchberg in Saxony/ Germany close to the czech boarder.
Elevation:  416 m

Today's webcam images (Local Time: 07:54)

Archived image Webcam Sebnitz: Platter Lift 23:00 23:00
Archived image Webcam Sebnitz: Platter Lift 01:00 01:00
Archived image Webcam Sebnitz: Platter Lift 03:00 03:00
Archived image Webcam Sebnitz: Platter Lift 05:00 05:00