Cross-Country Skiing Area Cross Country Center Grainet - Obergrainet - Haidel in the Bavarian Forest: Position on map

Cross-Country Skiing Cross Country Center Grainet - Obergrainet - Haidel

Hinterschmiding, Fürholz, Herzogsreut, Oberseilberg, Solla, Unterseilberg, Altreichenau

Trail Map Cross Country Center Grainet - Obergrainet - Haidel

The Cross-Country Area

© Martin Bauer / TouriSpo

The Grainet-Obergrainet-Haidel cross-country skiing area lies at the heart of the Bavarian Forest holiday region at an altitude of between 600 and 1167 metres. Surrounded by a beautiful winter landscape, you will find perfect conditions for skating or classic cross-country skiing. Among the varied cross-country trails with different levels of difficulty, everyone will find the right trail for themselves.

The Most Beautiful Tracks

© Martin Bauer / TouriSpo

Overview of the cross-country trails in the Grainet-Obergrainet-Haidel cross-country skiing area:

  • Loipe 1 - Obergrainet - cross spruce: 7 km / blue marked / classic and skating
  • Loipe 2 - Obergrainet - Haidel: 10 km / red marked / classic
  • Track 3 - Graineter Kessel: 10,5 km / marked red / classic and skating
  • Connecting track 4: 1.8 km / marked red / classic and skating
  • Connecting track 5 - Bischofreuter track: 11 km / marked black / classic
  • Connecting track 6: 3.5 km / marked black / skating

Interesting facts

  • The high point of the cross-Country skiing area is located at an elevation of 642 m.
  • Snow coverage is usually best during February, offering an average snow depth of 48 cm at summit elevation and 14 cm at the base.

Getting Here

To get to Grainet, leave the A3 motorway at exit 114-Aicha vorm Wald and continue to Hutthurm and then onto the B12. Follow the main road to the exit Waldkirchen/Steinerleinbach/Deching/Ernsting and continue to Waldkirchen. From there you continue via Manzing, Böhmzwiesel and Fürholz to Grainet.


Gemeinde Grainet
Obere Hauptstraße 11
Phone08585 / 9600-0
Fax08585 / 960096


Rate the Cross-Country Skiing Area

Trail Conditions

Weather (670 m)


Elevation642 m - 642 m
Skating 17 km
Classic 17 km
Lighted trails N/A

Cross-Country Trails

Overall 43.8 km