Familyparadise Vail has its price!
When taking a walk in Vail village there is a small (or rather large) detail which might strike some visitors as peculiar and which might enthuse others. All sidewalks are heated so families and seniors can get safely from the slopes to the hotel and around town. Whether at the time of global warming such a feature really makes sense is disputable. But Vail offers more for families than this smartish (but probably very expensive) attraction. In the “Small World Playschool” right at the Golden Peak Base in proximity to the “Riva Express” kids between two months and six years are excellently cared for. After lifts close there are several day nurseries in the 7000 inhabitant village who offer their services. If kids are old enough and dispose of adequate skiing skills the entire family can go explore the “The Front Side” area together. Many easy and intermediate trails are to be found there. The practicing area at the “Minnies” lifts is a true children paradise. Chances are your kids will never want to leave. Only downer: the resort is among the most expensive resorts worldwide and parents definitely need a resilient wallet in order to spend a family vacation in Vail!